
Jamaican-born Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician, Dr. Christine Edwards is helping to improve the state of healthcare in her home country. Dr. Edwards purchased the Ultrasound machine for the St. Catherine Spanish Town Hospital, which had been practicing obstetrics, and caring for women without the use of this important diagnostic tool.

Dr. Christine Edwards is the founding member of Florida Perinatal Center with offices in Coral Springs and Boca Raton, Florida. Dr. Edwards’ dream of providing a caring and sensitive environment for pregnant women in a very special way has been realized through her practice and she wants to extend this environment to women from her home country, Jamaica. “The ultrasound machine is being utilized here at Spanish Town Hospital, especially for emergency diagnoses,” relates Dr. Vary Leslie-Jones, the Senior Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Spanish Town Hospital. “It can help to make immediate medical decisions in life-threatening conditions. “The Ministry of Health was instrumental in facilitating the gift making its way from Florida to Spanish Town Hospital.”

Those responsible from the Ministry of Health include, Minister of Health, Rt. Hon. Dr. Fenton Ferguson, Miss Ava Timberlake, Director of International Health Corporation, Ministry of Health and Miss Meverley Anderson, Procurement Officer, Ministry of Health. The responsible parties from Spanish Town Hospital who received the Ultrasound machine are Mr. Mark Martin, Chief Executive Officer, Spanish Town Hospital, Mrs. Jennifer Chambers, Operations Manager, Spanish Town Hospital, Dr. Vary Jones-Leslie, Senior Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Spanish Town Hospital and Dr. Alexander Onyonyor, Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Spanish Town Hospital.

Dr. Alexander Onyonyor expressed his gratitude for the machine and has invited Dr. Edwards and her team to Spanish Town Hospital to do ultrasounds with the machine.